Philosophy News | College of Arts

Philosophy News

Dr. Mariam Thalos, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will be visiting the Philosophy Department as a Fulbright Scholar

Dr. Mariam Thalos, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will be visiting Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities in the College of Arts (Sept. 3 to Jan. 3)  Dr. Thalos has many philosophical interests, including Philosophy of Data Science and Digital Humanities.

Joshua (Gus) Skorburg has two recent collaborations with psychologists at Guelph and McGill

Joshua (Gus) Skorburg, U of G Philosophy,  has two recent collabs with psychologists:

-A publication in American Psychologist, co-authored with Kieran O'Doherty (U of G Psychology) and Phoebe Friesen (McGill Psychology) The paper shows "why it is more important than ever to ensure that those most impacted by mental health research have a significant say in how these technologies are developed and deployed."

Activists in residence 23-24

Welcome to the new Activists in Residence, Marsha Hinds Myrie and Nneka MacGregor

We are very excited to welcome Dr. Marsha Hinds Myrie and Nneka MacGregor, who will be with us as AiRs until June, 2024. Nneka and Marsha bring a wealth of knowledge and experience related to confronting gender-based violence across present-day Canada and throughout Barbados and the Commonwealth Caribbean. As Black women leaders, practitioners, scholars and activists, Marsha and Nneka have decades of experience confronting anti-Black racism and oppression, and challenging and changing other and intersecting unjust systems and structures.

South Western Feminism and Philosophy Workshop and dinner, Nov. 16. Faculty and students invited!

You are invited to attend the South Western Feminism and Philosophy Workshop and dinner happening at the University of Guelph on November 16th at 4 pm (McKinnon Rm. 132).

This event will welcome two philosophers to present their work in progress. Our speakers are Dr. Sujaya Dhanvantari, Assistant Professor at the University of Guelph (presenting "The Colonial Duration of Gender Violence"), and Hale Doguoglu, Ph.D. student at Western University (presenting “Distrust, Power, and (In)vulnerability”).

Dr. Gus Skorburg wins University Research Award!

Congratulations to Gus Skorburg on winning a University Research Excellence Award. This award recognizes research achievements of recently tenured faculty members at the University of Guelph, with a particular emphasis on the international impact of a faculty member's research. This is a great achievement and deserved recognition of the quality and reach of Dr. Skorburg's research!