Campus News

Published by Communications and Public Affairs (519) 824-4120, Ext. 56982 or 53338

News Release

October 25, 2001

University of Guelph Online Distance Education Course Wins Award

Humans in the Natural World (ZOO*1500DE) won first place in the Single Course Category at the North America Web Conference (NAWeb) this month. This online course is a joint project of the Department of Zoology and the Office of Open Learning, and is offered each semester as part of the University�s distance education offerings. A static version of the course website can be seen at:

The annual NAWeb Conference is held each fall and brings together academics and administrators with an interest in using the World Wide Web innovatively to extend teaching and learning. Its awards program is designed to recognize excellence in online education. Details can be seen at:

This is the third NAWeb award for Guelph�s online distance education efforts. The Forest Ecology (ENVB*6990DE) course won first place in the Single Course Category in 1997, and the Open Online portal won in the Portal Category last year.


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