Campus News

Published by Communications and Public Affairs (519) 824-4120, Ext. 56982 or 53338

Campus Bulletin

May 21, 2004

U of G launches new phone network, new residence number

The University of Guelph will begin managing its own phone calls through a new, campus-wide Internet Protocol (IP) voice and data network on May 26. U of G�s network will be the largest CISCO Voice Over IP telephony network in Canada, with 7,200 IP phones and 12,000 data ports across the campus.

�The University of Guelph is proving to be an innovator in technology as well as education,� said Ron Elmslie, director of Computing and Communications Services. �The IP network is allowing the university to meet the needs of increasing student enrolment and expand its technological capabilities.�

To route phone calls more efficiently, there are now two main numbers for U of G: a business line and a residence line. The number for all business calls to campus will remain (519) 824-4120. To reach anyone living in one of the University�s residences, people should now call (519) 824-0022.

To prepare for the May 26 phone system change, CCS delivered more than 2,000 new phones to people across campus in the last few weeks. People who have recently received a new phone and are still using the old phone need to enrol in the new voice mail system and to transcribe saved messages from the old phone system before the May 26 changeover.

Due to construction and final wiring upgrades, some parts of the University will remain on the ROLM system until late summer or early fall. After May 26, these users will have to dial �8� before the on-campus extension number in order to reach those that have already been moved.

Some remote locations on campus will continue to use the ROLM-style phones, but will have access to the new voice mail system.

�CCS would like to thank everyone for their patience during this time of transition,� said Elmslie.

For more information about the changes to the campus phone system, visit the CCS website at or call the Help Centre at (519) 829-4120, Ext. 58888.

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