Campus News

Published by Communications and Public Affairs (519) 824-4120, Ext. 56982 or 53338

Campus Bulletin

November 16, 2004

Candidates for OVC dean to give public lectures

The selection committee for dean of the Ontario Veterinary College will present three candidates to the University community starting Nov. 22.

Each candidate will give a 20-minute public lecture on �The Future of Veterinary Medicine and the Role of OVC,� to be followed by a 30-minute question-and-answer session. All lectures begin at 12:30 p.m. in Room 1714 of OVC�s Lifetime Learning Centre. Members of the University community are invited to attend.

While on campus, candidates will also meet with OVC units, Dean�s Council and the Vice-President (Academic) Council, as well as with faculty, staff and student representatives.

Elizabeth Stone, a professor and head of the Department of Clinical Sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, will be on campus Nov. 22 and 23 and will speak Nov. 22.

Ann Kier, a professor and head of the Department of Pathobiology at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M University, will visit Guelph Nov. 25 and 26. Her public lecture will be Nov. 25.

Sheila Allen, a professor of surgery, associate dean for academic affairs and acting chair of the Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, will visit U of G Dec. 1and 2 and present her public lecture Dec. 1.

Copies of the candidates' brief curricula vitae are available on the selection committee�s website. The names of committee members are also listed there. Full CVs will be on file in the OVC dean's and provost's offices.

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