Update Regarding Earthquake in South Asia
October 13, 2005 - Campus Bulletin
Some members of the University of Guelph community have been directly or indirectly affected by the devastating earthquake in South Asia. Our community joins others in the world in mourning the tremendous loss of human life. Our thoughts are with the families whose loved ones are still missing, with those who have lost their homes, and with the people bringing aid and support.
It is important to keep your colleagues at the University informed about members of our community who may be affected by recent events or who are involved with relief initiatives. In addition, please share information about special events and/or fundraising activities with Communications and Public Affairs by calling Ext. 56580 or sending e-mail to b.chance@exec.uoguelph.ca.
U of G’s Muslim Students’ Association, and Office of Student Life, will be co-ordinating fundraising and awareness events on campus next week. Funds raised will go to UNICEF. Please contact Christine Victorino at cvictor@uoguelph.ca or Imad Ali Syed at Isyed@uoguelph.ca if you can help.
The University reminds students and employees who may wish to seek personal counselling that the following services are available on campus:
Student Counselling Services, Ext. 53244
Employee Assistance Program for faculty and staff, Ext. 52133
Multi-Faith Resource Team, Ext. 52390
More information about Canada’s response and how you can help