Water Damage Affects Offices in University Centre
November 08, 2005 - Campus Bulletin
Several areas on the third and fourth floors of the University Centre have been affected by a burst water pipe and subsequent flooding.
These include the Office of Research, Hospitality Services, Revenue Control, Communications and Public Affairs and the Office of Registrarial Services.
The offices remain operational, but if you require services from any of these units, it’s a good idea to phone ahead for information and, in some cases, temporary work locations.
It will likely be a few days before services return to normal, so patience and understanding are appreciated at this time.
The Office of Research units located in Room 437 of the University Centre are closed today. If you have an issue that needs to be addressed immediately, call Julie Round at Ext. 53081.
Hospitality Services has been relocated to temporary work spaces.
We apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause. We will keep you apprised of any new developments and will post updates on this website.
The University also expresses appreciation to Physical Resources, Housekeeping and Campus Community Police for their quick attention to this matter.