Call for Nominations for Presidential Review Committee
September 05, 2006 - Campus Bulletin
As is appropriate at this point in the president's term, U of G’s Board of Governors has requested that a review committee for U of G president, Alastair Summerlee, be struck.
Summerlee’s first term ends June 30, 2008. The review committee will be responsible for asking him in writing whether he wishes to seek reappointment. Should he wish to serve another term, the committee will solicit comments from the University community regarding the reappointment of the President, and make a final recommendation to the Board of Governors after review.
The Senate Bylaws and Membership Committee is seeking nominations from faculty, students, and staff. Nomination forms are available at the University Secretariat office, located on the fourth level of the UC and online.
Nominations must be received by the University Secretariat by noon on Friday, September 15, 2006.
For more information, contact Vicki Hodgkinson, University secretary, Ext. 56761, or Kate Revington, associate University secretary (acting), Ext. 56758.