"Skip a Meal" Campaign Now On

September 25, 2006 - Campus Bulletin

U of G’s “Skip a Meal” campaign offered through Meal Exchange is running Sept. 25 to Oct. 6. Students are asked to donate cash or meal points from their meal cards to support 17 organizations throughout Guelph that provide assistance for abused women, homeless teens and people who use food banks.

“Skip a Meal” will be concentrated in student residences the week of Sept. 25. Residence students can receive information about the program through their RA or Interhall representative. Students can donate at Centre Six, Prairie cafeteria and Creelman Hall at the marked tills.

The initiative will go campus-wide the week of Oct. 2. U of G students have taken part in “Skip a Meal” since 1997 and have contributed more than $180,000 in food for local organizations. The food purchased from donations this fall will be delivered to organizations on Nov. 25.

For additional information, e-mail the Meal Exchange program at meal@uoguelph.ca.

Meal Exchange is also accepting registrations for this year’s Trick or Eat program happening on Halloween, Tuesday, Oct. 31. Information is available online.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1