Drama Prof Featured in National Media

January 30, 2007 - In the News

University of Guelph drama professor Sky Gilbert is featured on the CBC website for creating a theatre project in Hamilton, Ont.

Gilbert is the former artistic director of Toronto’s Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, as well as a director, filmmaker and writer. His plays have been produced around the world. He received Dora Awards for his plays The Whore’s Revenge and Suzie Goo: Private Secretary. Last summer, Gilbert received a ReLit Award for his fourth novel, An English Gentleman, and was awarded the Silver Ticket Award by the Toronto Theatre Alliance for his career accomplishments and for nurturing the development of Canadian theatre. He holds a University Research Chair in creative writing and theatre studies at Guelph.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1