Fall Enrolment on Target, Stats Show
June 06, 2007 - Campus Bulletin
Figures released by the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) Tuesday reveal that U of G is on track to meet its enrolment targets for fall 2007.
The University had set a target of 3,900 new first-year students for its Guelph campus and 725 for Guelph-Humber by Nov. 1, the provincial government’s reporting date. OUAC’s figures indicate that approximately 4,450 and 825 people have accepted offers to attend Guelph and Guelph-Humber respectively.
Normally, a significant number of people defer enrolment or make other choices, says Maureen Mancuso, provost and vice-president (academic). “There is always a difference between the number of acceptances and the actual number of students who are here on Nov. 1,” she says.
“Based on past trends, we expect our actual first-year enrolment at both campuses to be pretty close to target, so the student bodies will not be changing much.”
Mancuso adds that U of G maintained its admission standards. “The simple fact is that Guelph continues to be a popular choice among qualified and motivated students. Once again, it’s a testament to the strength of the University’s reputation and its programs, and to our outstanding faculty and staff.”