U of G Shuts off Lights for Earth Hour

March 27, 2008 - News Release

The University will be shutting off many of its lights this weekend as part of Earth Hour March 29.

Earth Hour is an international energy-conservation initiative, organized by the World Wildlife Fund, that's encouraging people to turn off their lights for one hour at 8 p.m. to show their support for action on climate change.

The University will be shutting off a number of lights on campus including athletic areas that aren't being used and greenhouses. The Arboretum's dinner theatre will be turning off lights in the audience floor area.

Students on campus will also be showing their support for Earth Hour by hosting candlelit dinners in the Landscape Architecture Building and South Residence cafeterias.

"The University of Guelph has a long-standing commitment to reducing our energy impact," said Gillian Maurice, U of G's sustainability co-ordinator. "Earth Hour is just one of the many initiatives on campus that can help people change their habits over the long term."

Although it's just one hour, the impact of turning off the lights during Earth Hour will be far-reaching, said Maurice.

"Perhaps the most notable aspect of the event is that it's a global campaign aimed at attracting the attention of people who haven't yet started taking action against global warming."

The University community is also being encouraged to turn off lights in common areas and washrooms when they leave campus on Friday.

Gillian Maurice
Sustainability co-ordinator
519-824-4120, Ext. 58129

For media questions, contact Communications and Public Affairs: Lori Bona Hunt, 519-824-4120, Ext. 53338, l.hunt@exec.uoguelph.ca, or Deirdre Healey, Ext. 56982, d.healey@exec.uoguelph.ca.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1