Relay for Life Raises $63,000 for Cancer Society
April 01, 2008 - Campus Bulletin
University of Guelph students raised more than $63,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society during this weekend's Relay for Life.
About 490 people in teams of 10 participated in the 12-hour relay that was held in the Gryphon Dome Saturday night.
"The energy level throughout the event was incredibly high," said Sarah Couch, who co-chaired the event with student Kara Schneider. Both students have been involved in the event since the University's first Relay for Life and are among 45 volunteers organizing this year's fundraiser.
"We were overwhelmed with the support of the entire University and the number of participants," Couch said, adding that donations will continued to be accepted online until April 5 at
The Relay for Life fundraising initiative takes place across Canada and the United States at various times throughout the year.
U of G was the first university to organize the 12-hour relay, and this is the fourth year for the event. Last year the University set a record, raising more than $83,000, which is the most money any university or college has raised through a Relay for Life to date.
Before the event, participants raise $100 each in pledges, on top of their $10 registration fee. All proceeds go to fund cancer research, support programs and advocacy.
The money raised from the U of G event goes towards helping the Canadian Cancer Society’s local groups support cancer patients and fund research into new and more effective treatments.