Profs Make Headlines

October 14, 2009 - In the News

University of Guelph professors are making headlines this week for research on H1N1, developing a new variety of strawberries and international volunteer work.

Mathematics professor Chris Bauch is featured in numerous newspapers and TV and radio reports today for his research on a mathematical model intended to help the province develop effective mitigation strategies against H1N1. Bauch was among a handful of researchers who conducted the study, published Tuesday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. News reports about the research were featured in the Toronto Star, Science Daily, on CTV news and by the Canadian Press, among others.

A story on features Prof. John Zandstra of U of G’s Ridgetown Campus and his work on creating a strawberry that's less sensitive to weather conditions than its traditional counterparts. The "day-neutral berry" as it's called, relies less on daylight to bud than the typical June-bearing strawberry.

The November issue of Chatelaine magazine includes a profile of pathobiology professor Dale Smith. In the "Make a Change" feature, Smith talks about how and why she became involved in Veterinarians Without Borders. She will travel to Zimbabwe in February 2010 to teach veterinarians how to safely capture, immobilize and release wild animals.

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