Senate to Discuss Sustainability Report

March 30, 2011 - Campus Bulletin

The Presidential Task Force on Sustainability’s interim report will be presented for discussion at Senate April 4 at 5:30 p.m. Members of the U of G community who would like to hear the presentation and/or take part in the discussion are welcome to attend the meeting as guests.

Non-senators wishing to attend must contact the University Secretariat in advance of the meeting. Send an email to or call 519-824-4120, Ext. 56571, to be placed on the guest list.

The report suggests ways for the University to enhance its environmental, economic and social sustainability efforts. It offers numerous recommendations, including appointing a sustainability director and permanent advisory committees and creating a “sustainability action network” representing units/departments to help increase involvement.

President Alastair Summerlee released the interim report to the U of G community in January, asking for comments and recommendations. He created the task force in January 2010 to help ensure that the University’s teaching, research and operations reflect its commitment to sustainability, and to encourage students, faculty and staff to continue seeking ways to live and work sustainably.

The Interim Report  and the Senate meeting package are available online.

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