Leave for Change Application Deadline Monday
February 28, 2012 - Campus Bulletin
The application deadline for Leave for Change is Monday. U of G faculty and staff interested in taking part should go online to review available positions and application information.
Through the program, regular full-time U of G staff and faculty have an opportunity to use their vacation time to volunteer their knowledge and skills during short assignments in developing countries.
Leave for Change is offered through Uniterra, a joint initiative of World University Service of Canada and the Centre for International Studies and Co-operation.
Canadian volunteers are assigned overseas for two to four weeks. Uniterra screens all applications, interviews short-listed candidates and chooses participants. Employees must attend training before leaving for their volunteer assignment in 2012.
U of G has partnered with Uniterra to support up to seven staff and faculty to volunteer in developing countries on an annual basis.
More information is available online or by calling Louise Merlihan in Human Resources at Ext. 54332 or email, lmerliha@uoguelph.ca