Campus Community Encouraged to Take ‘Commuter Challenge’
May 30, 2012 - Campus Bulletin
Finding more active and sustainable ways to travel to and from campus will be more fun than ever for faculty, staff and students taking part in this year’s Commuter Challenge during National Environment Week June 3 to 9.
This is the University of Guelph’s eighth year of participation in the Canada-wide campaign to promote sustainable transportation for commuters instead of reliance on single-occupancy vehicles.
U of G community members who already use sustainable transport also can sign up and compete for prizes.
“This is an opportunity for the campus community to stay active, have fun and enjoy the outdoors,” said Gillian Maurice, sustainability co-ordinator in Physical Resources. “Or people can get to know their co-workers better by trying out carpooling for the week.”
The City of Guelph awards prizes to the organizations with the highest participation rate, the most sustainable kilometres travelled and the highest emission reduction.
The University will offer individual prizes such as bike accessories and gift cards from Hospitality Services.
During last year’s challenge, University community members saved almost 2½ tonnes of CO2 emissions on average by travelling more than 13,650 km in sustainable ways, and active commuters burned 228,000 calories.
To register, visit the Commuter Challenge website.
Gillian Maurice
Sustainability Co-ordinator
519-824-4120, Ext. 58129
Paul Caruso
Recycling Co-ordinator
519-824-4120, Ext. 58129