CME Dean Featured in CBC Documentary
November 15, 2012 - In the News
Research by Julia Christensen Hughes, dean of the College of Management and Economics, will be featured in a documentary premiering tonight at 9 p.m. on CBC-TV.
Faking The Grade looks at cheating and academic misconduct. It features interviews with students, administrators, parents and teachers who discuss their experiences around “Academic Integrity,” and interviews with experts, including Christensen Hughes, about why students cheat.
Christensen Hughes is the co-author of a 2006 a study on academic misconduct in Canadian post-secondary institutions, including cheating, deception and plagiarism, which was published in the Canadian Journal of Higher Education. She is the former chair of the Department of Business and former director of Teaching Support Services.
Further broadcasts are scheduled on the CBC News Network. The one-hour show has also been acquired by the CNBC Network in the United States, where it will be shown in December.
The documentary was produced by Merit Motion Pictures and the CBC.