OVC Prof Featured on CTV News

January 24, 2013 - In the News

Paul Woods, a clinical studies professor and head of the Ontario Veterinary College's oncology service, was interviewed live on CTV's News Channel today for his expertise on animal cancer and treatment.

Woods was interviewed from the Mona Campbell Animal Cancer Centre remotely from CTV's main studio in Toronto for the story "Concentrating on Canine Cancer."

He was asked to comment on the importance of a new cancer study based in the United States that will follow the lives and treatment of 3,000 golden retrievers. The unique study will follow golden retrievers from a young age and throughout their lifetimes, and is the first study of its kind. As Woods pointed out, golden retrievers are extremely popular, but are also particularly susceptible to various forms of cancer, so much can be learned from them.

As co-director of the Institute for Comparative Cancer Investigations at OVC, Woods has been involved in the treatment of small animals for many years. In the interview, he also spoke on how lessons learned in the treatment of animals can be utilized in treating humans.

"If we can see an intervention that helps in the diagnosis or treatment of pets, it may translate to helping with humans, and vice versa," he said. "These pets are part of the family. When they get cancer people want to treat them."

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