Historian in New York Times, Profs, Cancer Centre Make Headlines
December 13, 2013 - In the News
"In the News" this week: Business professor talks personality, job performance in Globe and Mail; a history post-doctoral researcher in the New York Times; U of G experts comment on the recent closure of a regional Kellogg’s plant; OVC's cancer research is highlighted on Global TV; and a Guelph honeybee expert talks about making friends with killer bees.
Business professor Jamie Gruman is featured in a story in the Globe and Mail today. He discusses the role personality traits and attitudes play in employee performance. He also explains that the qualities of a good entrepreneur are not exactly the same qualities that make someone a good manager. Gruman’s research focuses on well-being in the workplace, including the emerging field of positive organizational behaviour. He is a founding member and serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association.
U of G post-doctoral researcher, Andrew Ross, wrote a Room for Debate column for the New York Times on Thursday on the monarchy in Canada, and on its usefulness to Canadian politics. Ross, who has researched and taught at Guelph since 2010, discussed the need for having a ruling monarch who was not born in the country, but whose representative can still impact on Canadian politics. The column was part of a series the Times ran on democracies and monarchs, with authors from four other countries also debating the issue.
U of G professors were asked by national media to weigh in on the causes and effects of the recent closure of the Kellogg’s plant in London. Sylvain Charlebois, associate dean of research and graduate studies in the College of Management and Economics, was on Canada AM Tuesday and CBC The National and on CBC News on Monday. He says the closure is consistent with recent events in food processing. A researcher in food distribution and safety, he serves on the national expert advisory committee of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Andreas Boecker, a food, agricultural and resource economics professor, was on CBC radio Thursday and quoted in a recent story in the Windsor Star. He said labour costs, a strong Canadian dollar and production consolidation are the main reasons for recent plant closures by Heinz and Kellogg. Boecker studies agricultural economics, consumer behaviour and consumer trends in food purchasing.
The Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) Pet Trust Fund and the Mona Campbell Centre for Animal Cancer were featured on the Making A Difference segment of Wednesday evening’s Global News Hour. Reporter Susan Hay visited OVC to investigate how companion animal cancer treatment and research improve the lives of animals and may help people with the disease. Making a Difference is a twice-weekly feature that showcases inspirational and impactful stories about Ontario communities and people.
Environmental sciences Prof. Ernesto Guzman is quoted in a Scientific American story on Africanized killer bees in Mexico. The bees are proving to be better honey producers than expected. Guzman talks about the importance of “making friends” with the killer bees and changing honey-harvesting practices to suit the variety. Guzman, who heads Guelph’s Honey Bee Research Centre, serves on the Bee Health Working Group for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food.