Campus News

Published by Communications and Public Affairs (519) 824-4120, Ext. 56982 or 53338

Campus Bulletin

November 04, 2004

U of G to hold Remembrance Day service

The University of Guelph will hold its annual Remembrance Day Service Nov. 11 from 10:30 to 11:20 a.m. in War Memorial Hall. In addition to an open invitation to members of the campus community, president Alastair Summerlee has invited about 100 war veterans from the Guelph area.

The service will feature an address by Amrita Roy, a Chancellor�s Scholar and third-year biomedical sciences student; a solo by tenor Glyn Evans, a voice teacher at U of G; a reading and prayer by Ed den Haan, a campus minister and member of the Multi-Faith Resource Team; and a wreath ceremony.

Classes will not be cancelled, but Summerlee requests that faculty grant consideration to students who miss some class time to attend the service. Supervisors are also encouraged to allow employees sufficient time to participate.

A special symbol of the University's history � a silver rose bowl filled with red roses � will sit at the front of the hall during the service, carried by Maurice Smith. It was donated by Guelph graduate Kathleen Dowler Riter in honour of a friend and faculty member, RAF Captain John Playford Hales, who was killed in France in 1918.

War Memorial Hall commemorates students who served in the First and Second World wars. The memorial chamber between the two entrances contains two stained-glass windows, �War and Peace,� designed by renowned Toronto artist Peter Haworth. The building was a student initiative and made possible by financial contributions from faculty, alumni, government and the public.

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