Undergraduate Award Search

Murphy Memorial Oncology Scholarship [I2261]

Donor(s):Kris O’Donnell
Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Apply By Letter
  • Reference Letter
Deadline:Fall during the call for applications from the Dean's office
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Murphy was an extraordinary dog. When he developed a rare form of cancer, my vet sent us to OVC. Little did I know then that Murphy would play a role in advancing a groundbreaking surgery pioneered by Dr. Michelle Oblak and her team. With this award, I hope to keep Murphy’s memory and spirit alive and help support pioneers of the future at OVC. Apply during the fall call for applications from the OVC Dean’s office by submitting a letter of support from a research advisor verifying the student’s participation in veterinary oncology research. If applicable, include a statement self-identifying as a Black, Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) or person of colour/racialized student. Selection will be based on the highest DVM program average.

Students registered in the DVM program who have participated in oncology research during their post-secondary education. Preference will be given to Black, Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis) or persons of colour/racialized students.