Graduate Award Search

Martin Henry Bosch Doctoral Scholarships for Chemistry [E8030]

Donor(s):Dr. Martin Bosch
Value:up to 2 awards not to exceed $40,000 (Payable over 2 years of study, if one scholarship awarded $20,000/year over 3 semesters, if 2 scholarships awarded $10,000/year payable over 3 semesters)
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive, In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive, In the summer and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Application for Admission
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

The Martin Henry Bosch Doctoral Scholarships for Chemistry are generously funded by Dr. Martin Bosch, a great friend of the University of Guelph and the Department of Chemistry. He was raised on a farm in Southern Ontario and attending university was never on the horizon. U of G was his choice for undergraduate and graduate degrees. That education enabled Martin to become a teacher, an entrepreneur and owner of The Guelph Soap Company. It is hoped that these scholarships will make it possible for others to realize their dreams for a successful career. In memory of Martin’s mother who encouraged him to continue his education against all odds. Selection will be based on a combination of high admission average and strongest research potential as demonstrated in the application for admission. This award can only be held once. Scholarship funds to be awarded in addition to (i.e. as “top-up”) to the regular graduate stipend.

Students entering a full-time PhD program in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Guelph in the summer, fall or winter semester.