Web Advisor Tutorial for Transfer and Mature students University of Guelph Ð Improve life (upbeat music) STEP 1 Ð Find your login information [Advance to your email, where you receive communication from the University of Guelph. Find University of Guelph Ð Central Login Information where you will be given a login username, ID and password with the University of Guelph email address.] STEP 2 Ð Login [Click on ÒAccess WebAdvisorÓ and Log in to the University of Guelph Web Advisor using the username and password, then verify your identity] STEP 3 Ð Admission Status [Click on applicants and admission status where you can review your status on WebAdvisor] STEP 4 Ð Documents Check to see what is required and what has already been received [Go to Applicants and then My Documents where you can verify what documents are required and update by submitting them] Other info [To review ÔTransfer creditsÓ and Ònews and resourcesÓ students can click on the right-side bar] University of Guelph- Improve Life (upbeat music fades out)