Video opens with a student Oresta Hewryk. She has long straight dirty blond hair and is wearing a black turtleneck sweater. He is sitting in front of a red wall in a gold chair. There is a photograph of the Gryphon statue to the right of Oresta on the red wall and a shelf to her left with several decorative items. [Oresta] As a child, I always made a point of never wanting to say "I don't know" when someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. And I think at age 10 I was definitely looking up towards my mom and I knew I wanted to do something science based. My name is Oresta Hewryk and I'm a fourth-year student, majoring in honors agriculture. And my minor is creative writing. In agricultural science you're exposed very early on into classes that would help you both with animal agriculture and plant agriculture. And although I loved animals, I realized very early on that I didn't have to make a career with them in order to continue liking them. I found some amazing professors in the plant agriculture department and in plant sciences in general. They taught me a lot. Everything, really, I know about the field and the subject. And they offered me a lot of opportunities. I could go to class and learn something completely new and it wouldn't feel like I was in class. It would feel like I'm just listening to a Ted Talk on something I'm interested in. [Associate Professor Andy Robinson, OAC] is sitting in a classroom in front of a white screen. He has short grey hair and a beard, wearing glasses and a short sleeved black Animal Sciences golf shirt. [Andy] The Bachelor of Science and Agriculture Program is designed to introduce people to agriculture. You don't necessarily need an agricultural background to be successful in the program. If we look across the province, the AgriFood system as a business, competes with the auto industry for being the leading employer in the province. So, there are literally thousands and thousands of jobs in the Agrifood sector. And our program is designed to introduce students to that sector, through the science of agriculture and prepare them for a career in producing food and distributing food, bringing food to people and just participating anywhere in the food production system. [Oresta] So you can come in not knowing exactly what you want to do. And by the end of your first year, you will have taken plant science courses and animal science courses. And then if you still don't know what you want to do you can just choose honors agriculture and get the best of both worlds. (bright music)