LIBRARY TRANSCRIPT Places and Faces Ð University of Guelph [The scene opens to a renowned library, known for its vast, beautifully designed interiors and ample study spaces. In this inviting setting, Claire, a smart young student with blonde hair and casual attire, introduces herself, highlighting the libraryÕs significance and its role as a prime study destination.] (upbeat music) *Library* Claire: I'm Claire, and this is the library, and it's a place where I've spent a lot of time. [The scene cuts to steaming cups of coffee being brewed, providing a warm boost for students dedicated to their studies in the library. Nearby, students participate in a time management workshop, learning valuable skills to balance their workload. In another corner, groups of students interactively support and guide each other within collaborative learning groups. Additionally, helpful resources are highlighted as a student receives assistance with their laptop from a tech support station, showcasing the comprehensive support available in this dynamic learning environment.] Claire: ItÕs a place where you can come to grab a Starbucks, you can book a Time Management workshop, you can come to our Supported Learning groups, you can come here for computer support. If you're having issues with your laptop, you can also use one of the computers in the library. There must be about a million. [The scene transitions to Claire using one of the many well-equipped computers in the library. She is focused and engaged, taking advantage of the technological resources available to further her studies in this modern and supportive academic setting.] Claire: This is a place where I'll come with my friends during the busiest week of the semester, get a table super early in the morning, and camp out all day. We'll grab food at the bullring, we usually grab mac and cheese, and we'll stay until they kick us out at 2:00 AM and the buzzer sounds. [The scene then transitions to a view of the library's beautiful exterior, highlighting its architectural elegance and inviting atmosphere. The camera captures students quickly filling up the study spots, taking advantage of this prime location that stays open till late, providing an ideal environment for productivity and late-night study sessions.] Claire: Another great thing is, instead of having to buy all my textbooks or bring all my heavy textbooks to campus, I can come right into the library and use Course Reserve, where I can borrow a textbook when I need it. [The scene cuts to Claire showcasing a particularly useful amenity in the library: the course reserve section. She highlights the accessibility of all the essential textbooks, emphasizing how this resource greatly benefits students in their studies.] Claire: When I was in first year in my first semester, I was really nervous about my very first paper. So I went to Writing Services and they gave me some really awesome tips for how to improve my paper, and also just gave me the confidence I needed. And let me tell you, I ended up acing that paper. [Transition to the writing services department giving fruitful advice for students struggling with new assignments] Claire: So, this is way more than a building full of books. I feel like I sound like such a nerd. (laughing) I just live in the library. This is the library. [And the video ends with students walking into the library.] University of Guelph- Improve Life (upbeat music fades out)