ROZANSKI HALL TRANSCRIPT Places and Faces Š University of Guelph [The scene opens with a wide shot of an expansive lecture hall, featuring numerous seats bathed in vibrant lighting and complemented by warm wooden interiors. In the midst of this impressive space, Rosemary, a lively student with long blonde hair and casual attire, is seated at one of the tables. She enthusiastically introduces herself and the Rozanski Hall building, providing insight into the hallÕs significance and features.] (upbeat music) Rosemary: Hi, my name is Rosemary, and this is Rozanski Hall. This building changed my life more than any other building here on campus. [Transition to students walking out of the historical looking Rozanski Hall with the iconic time clock, after attending an insightful lecture] Rosemary: I came into this lecture hall for the very first time so intimidated. There were 600 people around me. I didn't know anyone, and I was very, very frightened. [The scene cuts to a lecture hall in Rozanski rapidly filling with a large crowd of students. The expansive space, designed to accommodate over 600 individuals, becomes bustling with eager learners, their excitement palpable as they prepare for the upcoming session.] Rosemary: Within the first week of sitting in this class,I just knew I had a place here at the University of Guelph. [The scene focuses on Rosemary, who is diligently taking insightful notes amidst a group of engaged students. The atmosphere in the lecture hall is one of enthusiasm and curiosity, as the students are visibly eager to learn. In the foreground, the professor stands at the front of the class, exuding warmth and approachability. They address the students with openness, readily answering questions and addressing any issues, fostering an interactive and supportive learning environment.] Rosemary: My professors were extremely welcoming and enthusiastic and just made me feel right at home. I knew if I had a problem or an issue that they were open, they were there for me, and they were willing to listen and help me. [The scene displays Rosemary between many students asking questions and raising concerns for the professor to address] Rosemary: For my very first lecture ever in Rozanski Hall, my professor actually played the "The Final Countdown" by Europe when we were walking in. [Transition to Rosemary interacting and walking into the lecture hall with students from her class] Rosemary: You know the one. ? Lah dah bow bow ? (laughs) *Rozanski Hall* Rosemary: When I walked into Rozanski Hall, I was worried that I might just be a number, but I left with a whole new perspective about the world and my place in it. [The video concludes with a sweeping view of a packed lecture hall, where students are attentively engaged in their class.] University of Guelph- Improve Life (upbeat music fades out)