500 MHz Bruker Avance II NMR
The 500MHz Bruker AVANCE II spectrometer is a versatile solid-state spectrometer, primarily used to study the properties of materials, polymers, and chemicals. This instrument is also equipped with gradient accessories, including a triple-axis gradient probe collar for gradient MAS studies and a Z-axis high power (60 A) gradient probe for diffusion studies. The spectrometer is equipped with 4 RF channels and 3 high power RF amplifiers.
Available probes:
Broadband solid state (HFXY) MAS probe with 4 mm rotor size
Broadband solid state (HX) MAS probe with 7 mm rotor size
Two-channel wide-line static probe
Biomolecular solid-state (HCN) probe designed to work with the triple-axis gradient collar
"Diff60" high power diffusion probe
Temperature range: -60 C to 120 C, depending on probe