In this issue:
Determination of vitamin A and E testing in serum or plasma [5]
Staff highlights [6]
OAHN update [7]
Lead intoxication in a herd of beef cattle [8]
Infection of pigs with Influenza A virus H3.2010.1 clade in Ontario [9]
CanSpot ASF surveillance testing is ongoing - Submit your samples [10]
Lead toxicosis in a captive urban rock pigeon (Columba livia) [11]
Egg drop syndrome '76: Keep on your rule out list [12]
Leucocytozoonosis n multiple avain species [13]
Testing for EEE virus and West Nile virus encephslopathies [14]
Companion animals
Canine distemper virus infection of vaccinal origin in a 14 week-old puppy [15]
Infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in an Ontario dog [16]