In this issue:
AHL Holiday testing schedule [2]
Update from Specimen Reception [4]
OAHN update [5]
Staff highlights [6]
Salmonella spp. serotyping available at AHL [7]
Pasteurella multocida Meningoencepalitis in a Heifer [8]
Juvenile lymphoma in a calf [9]
Brachyspira murdochii-associated colitis in grower pigs [10]
Systemic myeloproliferative disease in a Silkie chicken [11]
Avian adenviral (FAdV-1) ventriculitis in laying hens [12]
AHL assists in bear poaching investigation [13]
Toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae isolated from a donkey and the Public Health response [14]
Polyneuritis Equi in a Dutch Warmblood [16]
Companion animals
Rectoanal B-cell Lymphoma in a dog: The diagnostic importance of IHC [17]
Sudden cardiac death due to caffeine toxicosis in a dog [18]
Tyzzer's disease in a kitten [19]
C-reactive protein: A major acute phase protein in dogs [20]