To our valued Clients,
As many of you are aware, courier shipping during the Canada Post strike has become challenging and packages may be delayed. Yesterday, we were made aware of a backlog in sorting at the local Purolator depot and other couriers are affected as well. With the upcoming holidays, online shopping and the strike at Canada Post, we have some recommendations for shipping your specimens to AHL Guelph.
If possible, you can drop off your samples at AHL Guelph Specimen Reception - the vestibule is open for sample drop off between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.
You can take your package to a local Purolator drop off location, if you are unable to reach and arrange pickup through their call centre: [1]
Ship your specimens to AHL Guelph between Monday and Wednesday when possible.
Package your specimens with the expectation that the shipment will take at least 2 days (use extra freezer packs, absorbent materials, sturdy container/box). However, please also note the cold weather and package accordingly. Courier warehouses are not temperature controlled and as we enter winter, submissions may freeze (especially EDTA or whole blood and histopathology samples).
Purolator is no longer guaranteeing next day or Saturday delivery. AHL will not be providing Saturday waybills except under very special circumstances.
Make a copy of your waybill tracking number each time that you submit and track your package.
Thank you for your understanding, if you have any questions, please contact AHL Client Services - or call 519-824-4120 ext. 54320