In this issue:
Getting the most out of your diagnostic laboratory submissions [2]
New AHL tests developed in 2019 [3]
Selected zoonotic pathogens and diseases, 2019 [4]
Increased detection of BRSV associated with respiratory disease in cattle [6]
Mycotic tonsillitis and cervical lymphadenitis in finisher pigs [7]
Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus update [8]
First confirmed case of porcine sapelovirus polioencephalomyelitis in Ontario [9]
Avian reovirus variants and lameness in broilers [10]
Spontaneous squamous cell carcinoma in the cloacal scent gland from a Mexican Black Kingsnake [11]
Diagnosing neurologic disease in backyard chickens [12]
Stanger things: those weird bacterial names you may see on your laboratory report [13]
Dermatophilus congolensis infection in a horse: Don't forget the crust!! [14]
AGCO 2019 Death Registry/Equine Incidences in Ontario Racing program [15]