Topics in Modern European History I
Deep Play: Sport, State, and Society in Modern Europe
Instructor: Dr. Alan McDougall
e-mail: [2]
Method of Delivery
The seminars will take place in person, Thursdays 2:30-5:20 p.m.
Course Synopsis:
Since the later nineteenth century, sport has played a major role in reflecting and shaping the development of modern European societies. Focusing primarily on football and Germany, but examining a range of other countries and sports from cycling to cricket as well as showpiece events such as the Olympics and the World Cup, this course considers the myriad ways in games and leisure activities have both shaped and reflected the course of modern European history and the lives of millions of ordinary Europeans.
Methods of Evaluation and Weights:
Class participation: 15%
Class presentations (2): 20% (10% per presentation)
Book review: 20%
Research essay plan: 5%
Research essay: 40%
Texts and/or Resources Required:
All course readings will be available on the HIST*6300 Courselink site.
**Please note: This is a preliminary web course description only. The department reserves the right to change without notice any information in this description. The final, binding course outline will be distributed in the first class of the semester.**