Course Synopsis:
This course examines the meaning of revolution in the modern world through a comparative analysis of four revolutionary movements: the French Revolution, the emergence of revolutionary theory and tradition in 19th-century Europe, the Russian Revolution, and the Communist Revolution in China. Through the reading and discussion of primary source materials, as well as secondary studies, we will explore the history of these specific movements that have shaped the modern world. We will also consider these revolutions comparatively, examining the relative importance of ideology, class conflict, professional revolutionaries, and the relations between revolutions and international relations.
The course’s format will be primarily class discussion based on readings from the course reader, Revolution in the Modern World. Students’ informed participation in these discussions will count towards their final grade. Each student will also be called upon to prepare and deliver a brief oral presentation during the term, perhaps with a partner, based on a topic from an assigned list.
NOTE: This course will be taught on campus face-to-face. Classes will not be recorded.
Assignments & Means of Evaluation:
- Presentation - 15%
- Participation - 20%
- Research Essay - 30%
- Final Exam - 35%
Required Textbooks:
William S. Cormack, ed., Revolution in the Modern World: Course Readings, 2nd Ed. (University of Guelph Custom Course Pack, 2023)
Jeremy Popkin, A Short History of the French Revolution, 7th Ed., (Routledge, 2019)
Sheil Fitzpatrick, The Russian Revolution, 4th Ed., (Oxford, 2017)
Shaun Breslin, Mao, (Routledge, 2000)
*Please note: this is a preliminary course outline only. The History Department reserves the right to change without notice any information in this description. The final, binding course outline will be distributed in the first class of the W24 term. Please login to Web Advisor, once the course schedule goes live, for instructor and room information.
**Please login to WebAdvisor, once the course schedule goes live, for instructor and room information.