Method of Delivery:
HIST*3200 is a reading and writing intensive lecture based/seminar format class focused on developing ideas from the assigned readings. Virtual meetings (mix of synchronous and asynchronous) via Courselink.
Course Synopsis:
This course examines the social history of childhood, youth and adolescence in western culture and how life-cycles vary as a function of class, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality. It will examine the experiences of young people in different historical eras. Questions to be explored include: Does the notion of adolescence transcend history and culture? How have experts constructed institutions such as the high school, the juvenile justice system, the media, medical and social scientific research to channel youth rebellion? Historical case studies will be selected to show generations in political, community and domestic conflict. This interdisciplinary history course draws upon sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, art, music, literature, academic writing and research from Europe, Canada and the United States.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- demonstrate comprehension of evidence-based scholarship based on online discussion, written activities, and individual research.
- read, view and analyze journal articles, historical documents, films and documentaries that explore the contribution children and youth have made and continue to make in Canadian culture. Students will write scholarly research papers on this material
- analyze critical issues facing youth today through an historical lens. On going aged-based discriminatory practices against youth in everyday life will be identified from an historical and Human Right’s perspective.
- participate in a group learning experience through question and answers encounters with peers in on line discussion.
- develop skills related to the wider principles of academic integrity and leadership. Students will develop respect for the point of view of peers and effective interaction with the instructor. They will learn that the practice of history is bound by methods and approaches that model best practices in reading, writing and reasoning.
7.50 credits
Method of Evaluation and Weights:
Research Essay Proposal - 10%
Research Essay - 35%
Midterm #1 - 25%
Midterm #2 - 30%
Required Texts:
- Mona Gleason and Tamara Myers, Bringing Children and Youth into Canadian History: The Difference Kids Make, Oxford University press, 2016. (Textbook)
- Small articles and images (links available on courselink website).
*Please note: This is a preliminary website description only. The department reserves the right to change without notice any information in this description. The final, binding course outline will be distributed in the first class of the semester.