W25 First Year Course Selection

Welcome to Winter 2025 Course Selection!


Please scroll down or click below for:

Required First Year Courses by Specialization

BA Distribution Requirements

Art/Humanities Course Subjects

Social Science Course Subjects

Natural and Mathematical Science Courses Acceptable for BA Distribution

Elective Courses


All first year BA students (students with 0.00 - 2.50 credits completed and in-progress credits) will be able to select courses starting on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - at 8:00 am


  • If you would like to study full-time in the Winter 2025 semester, then you should select 2.5 credits.

  • It is recommended that you select a combination of required courses for your Area of Study (if applicable), BA Distribution required courses and Elective courses (see lists below).

  • For your BA Distribution and Elective courses, these should be courses that appeal to you personally.

  • While it is encouraged that you keep your course choices to first year level, you can register in second year level courses, should you have the appropriate pre-requisites and if the course has available space.


First Year Courses by Specialization

You can click on the specialization area to see additional information on future course requirements and to view course descriptions.

Anthropology (ANTH) and Anthropology: Co-op (ANTH:C)

  • ANTH*1150 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.
  • ANTH*1120 is offered in the Winter and is an optional course for the ANTH specialization.

Classical Studies (CLAS)

  • If you took GREK*1100 in the Fall 2024 semster then GREK*1110 will be taken either in Fall 2025 or Winter 2026 (GREK*1110 is not offered this Winter). 
  • If you took LAT*1100 in the Fall 2024 semester then LAT*1110 should be taken.
  • LING 1000 is offered Winter 2025 and can be considered.  This course is permitted to count towards the 3.00 additional credits in Classics. Important Note: only 1.00 credits of the following courses can count towards the 3.00 credits of additional Classics: ENGL*1410, HIST*2200, HUMN*1030, LING*100, PHIL*3060.

Creative Writing (CW)

  • CRWR*1000 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.
  • ENGL*1080 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.
  • ENGL*1200 is offered Winter 2025.  This course can be considered as an option to count toward the required 2.00 additional credits in English.

Criminal Justice and Public Policy (CJPP) and Criminal Justice and Public Policy: Co-op (CJPP:C)

  • PHIL*1010 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.
  • SOC*1500 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.

Culture and Technology Studies (CTS) and Culture and Technology Studies: Co-op (CTS:C)

  • Can consider adding a first year disciplinary praxis course (CIS*1050, CIS*1200, CIS*1500).
  • Can consider adding a first year context course (INDG*1100, ARTH*1520, ENGL*1080 or ENGL*1200).

Economics (ECON) and Economics: Co-op (ECON:C)

  • ECON*1050 and ECON*1100 are both required.  If not if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester, then should be taken Winter 2025.
  • You should also take one of MATH*1030, MATH*1080, if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.

English (ENGL)

  • ENGL*1080 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.
  • If currently taking ENGL*1080 this Fall 2024 semester, then register in ENGL*2080 for the Winter 2025.
  • ENGL*1200 is optional  for the ENGL specialization and is offered Winter 2025.

Environmental Governance (EGOV) and Environmental Governance:    Co-op (EGOV:C)

  • ECON*1050 & GEOG*1220,  are required courses for the major.  If not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester, then should be taken Winter 2025.

Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (FARE) and Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics: Co-op (FARE:C)

  • ECON*1050 & MATH 1030 or MATH 1080 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.  If taking one of these this Fall 2024 semester, then register in  ECON*1100, FARE*1400 (1.00cr) & FARE*1300.  If taking both of these, then register in ECON*1100 & FARE*1400 (1.00).
  • If both ECON*1050 and one of MATH 1030/1080/ 1200 are currently registered this Fall 2024 semester, then ACCT*1220, ECON*1100, FARE*1300 & FARE*1400 should be taken.

French Studies (FREN)

  • FREN*1200 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.
  • If FREN *1200 is registered Fall 2024, then FREN*1300 should be taken Winter 2025.

Geography (GEOG) and Geography: Co-op (GEOG:C)

  • GEOG*1220 and GEOG*1300 should be taken in the  Winter 2025 semester if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.  

History (HIST) and History: Co-op (HIST:C)

  • HIST*1050 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.
  • One of HIST*1010, HIST*1150 or HIST*1250 are also required.  Any one of these can be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.

International Development Studies (IDS) and International Development Studies: Co-op (IDS:C)

  • IDEV*1100 should be taken.
  • FARE*1300 can be considered if pursing the Agriculture and Food Security area of emphasis

Justice and Legal Studies (JLS) and Justice and Legal Studies: Co-op (JLS:C)

  • ANTH*1150 and or  SOC*1100 should be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.

Mathematical Economics (MAEC) and Mathematical Economics: Co-op (MAEC:C)

  • ECON*1100 should be taken Winter 2025.
  • MATH*1210 should be taken Winter 2025.
  • CIS*1500 be taken if not currently registered in the Fall 2024 semester.

Music (MUSC)

  • MUSC*1170 should be taken Winter 2025.
  • MUSC*1410  should be taken if not currently registered Fall 2024. To register in this course you will need to contact our Applied Music Coordinator: Paige Rutledge, prutledg@uoguelph.ca.
  • MUSC*1420 should be taken if MUSC*1410 is currently registered for Fall 2024. To register in this course you will need to contact our Applied Music Coordinator: Paige Rutledge, prutledg@uoguelph.ca.
  • MUSC*1720 should be taken if MUSC*1710 is currently registered for Fall 2024.
  • MUSC*1920 should be taken if MUSC*1910 is currently registered for Fall 2024.
  • Take MUSC*1200 if doing the Research Creation area of emphasis.

Philosophy (PHIL)

  • PHIL*1010, PHIL*1030 and PHIL*1050 are offered Winter 2025.
  • Any of these courses can be taken as preparation for upper-level courses if not currently registered Fall 2024.
  • Important Note: Students may only count 1.00 credits of PHIL at the 1000 level towards a specialization in Philosophy.

Political Science (POLS) and Political Science: Co-op (POLS:C)   

  • POLS*1150 should be taken if not currently registered Fall 2024.
  • POLS*1500 can be taken but not required.

Psychology (PSYC) and Psychology: Co-op (PSYC:C)

  • PSYC*1000 should be taken if not currently registered Fall 2024.
  • PSYC*1500 should be taken if not currently registered Fall 2024
  • PSYC *1010 should be taken if currently registered in PSYC 1000 Fall 2024.

Sexualities, Genders and Social Change (SXGN)

  • SXGN*1010 should be taken.

Sociology (SOC)

  • ANTH*1150 and SOC*1100 are both required.  If not currently registered Fall 2024, then should be taken Winter 2025.

Studio Art (SART)

  • SART*1050 and SART*1060 are both required. If not currently registered Fall 2024 then should be taken Winter 2025. (Please note, only one of SART 1050 or SART 1060 can be registered in the same semester).
  • ARTH*1520 should be taken if ARTH*1510 is not currently registered Fall 2024.  You can take this course if it is of interest even if ARTH*1510 is currently registered for Fall 2024.

Theatre Studies (THST)

  • THST*1190 should be taken.
  • THST*1270 should be taken.

Undeclared Specialization

During the first semester, a variety of courses should be chosen from the arts and social science areas that are of interest to you. By taking different courses, you will have the opportunity to explore potential specializations. You are still on track for a B.A. degree by doing this.


BA Distribution Requirements:

By the time of graduation, all BA students must have completed:


  • 1.50 credits (3 courses) from 2 different subjects in the Arts/Humanities (see list below)
  • 1.50 credits (3 courses) from 2 different subjects in the Social Sciences (see list below)
  • 1.00 credits (2 courses) from the Natural/Mathematical Sciences (see list below)


Arts/Humanities Course Subjects

  • ARTH Art History
  • BLCK Black Canadian Studies
  • CHIN Mandarin
  • CLAS Classical Studies
  • CRWR Creative Writing
  • CTS Culture and Technology Studies
  • ENGL English
  • EURO European Studies
  • FREN French Studies
  • GERM German Studies
  • GREK Greek
  • HIST History
  • HUMN Humanities
  • INDG Indigenous Studies
  • ITAL Italian Studies
  • LAT Latin
  • LING Linguistics
  • MUSC Music
  • PHIL Philosophy
  • PORT Portuguese
  • SART Studio Art
  • SPAN Spanish and Hispanic Studies
  • SXGN Sexualities, Gender, and Social Change
  • THST Theatre Studies

WINTER 2025 Arts/Humanities Course Offerings:

*Please note, some of these courses may be restricted to certain specializations.  Please visit our Restrictions page for details*

ARTH 1520

CRWR 1000

ENGL 1030

ENGL 1080

ENGL 1200

FREN 1100

FREN 1200

FREN 1300

GERM 1110

HIST 1010

HIST 1050

HIST 1150

HIST 1250

INDG 1100

ITAL 1060

ITAL 1070

LAT 1110

LING 1000

MUSC 1170

MUSC 1200

MUSC 1410

MUSC 1420

MUSC 1710

MUSC 1720

MUSC 1820

MUSC 1910

MUSC 1920

PHIL 1010

PHIL 1030

PHIL 1050

SART 1050

SART 1060

SPAN 1110

SPAN 1500

SXGN 1010

THST 1190

THST 1270

Social Science Course Subjects

  • ANTH Anthropology
  • ECON Economics
  • FARE Food, Agriculture and Resource Economics
  • GEOG Geography
  • IDEV International Development
  • INDG Indigenous Studies
  • JLS Justice and Legal Studies
  • POLS Political Science
  • PSYC Psychology
  • SOC Sociology
  • SXGN Sexualities, Gender, and Social Change

WINTER 2025 Social Science Course Offerings:

*Please note, some of these courses may be restricted to certain specializations.  Please visit our Restrictions page for details*

ANTH 1120

ANTH 1150

ECON 1050

ECON 1100

FARE 1040

FARE 1300

FARE 1400

GEOG 1220

GEOG 1300 - Can also count as Natural and Mathematical Science

IDEV 1100

POLS 1150

POLS 1500

PSYC 1000

PSYC 1010

PSYC 1500

SOC 1100

SOC 1500

Natural and Mathematical Science Courses Acceptable for BA Distribution:

**As a first year student it is advised to take 1000 level if choosing to complete a Natural and Mathematical Science if completing in semester one or two.**


AGR 2150

BIOL 1020

BIOL 1500

BIOM 2000

CHEM 1060

ENVS 1060

ENVS 2060

ENVS 2130

ENVS 2210

ENVS 2270

FOOD 2010

GEOG 1300

GEOG 1350

HORT 1120

HORT 1130

MBG 1000

MUSC 1090

NURT 1010

PHYS 1600

PHYS 1810

Other acceptable courses which require 4U or university preparation:

BIOL 1XXX - Any BIOL course at the 1000 level

CHEM 1XXX - Any CHEM course at the 1000 level

CIS 1XXX - Any CIS course at the 1000 level

ENVS 2030

ENVS 2250

MATH 1XXX - Any MATH course at the 1000 level

PHYS 1XXX - Any PHYS course at the 1000 level

STAT 2XXX - Any STAT course at the 2000 level

Winter 2025 Natural Science Course Options:

BIOL 1500

BOT 1200

CIS 1050

CIS 1200

CIS 1500

ENVS 1060

GEOG 1300

HORT 1120

MBG 1000

MUSC 1090

NUTR 1010



Students often wonder which courses are the "best" to take. In fact, there is no "best" option. An elective is just that - an elective! Take what interests you.