Hwansuk Chris Choi

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Dr. HS Chris Choi is a distinguished academic specializing in hospitality and tourism. He was raised in Seoul, Korea, and earned his B.A. in Philosophy from Chung-Ang University. He moved to the United States in 1991 to complete his MTA (Master of Tourism Administration) at George Washington University. He later received his PhD in Tourism Marketing and Management from Texas A&M University. Before joining the University of Guelph in 2003, he gained valuable industry experience at Pacific Amusement, Inc and several consulting firms.
Dr. Choi has an impressive academic portfolio, with over 300 publications and technical reports. His groundbreaking research has secured over fifty grants totaling over $4 million. His work has been recognized with numerous awards, including Best Paper Awards from prestigious conferences. Dr. Choi is an innovative leader in his field, known for his contributions to sustainable tourism and hospitality management. His research has influenced policies and practices globally and has been an invited keynote speaker at international conferences. Committed to providing exceptional education, Dr. Choi has supervised numerous graduate students and visiting scholars, contributing significantly to their academic and professional development. He is dedicated to fostering a brighter future for the hospitality and tourism industry through his teaching and extensive research efforts.
Current Positions Held
- August 2003 – present, Graduate Faculty, University of Guelph
- November 2024 - present, Co-Editor in Cheif, International Journal of Gastromy Research (C Journal)
- December 2025 - present, Regional Editor, North America, International Journal of Tourism Research (A Journal)
- April 2012 – present, Editorial Board Member, Anatolia (B Journal)
- December 2013 - present, Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (A Journal)
- January 2015 - present, Editorial Board Member, Tourism Analysis (A Journal)
- March 2015 - present, Editorial Board Member, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (A Journal)
- May 2015 - present, Editorial Board Member, European Journal of Tourism Research (B Journal)
- May 2010 – present, Advisory Board Member, The Korea America Hospitality and Tourism Educator Association
- July 2023 - present, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Convergence Tourism Contents (KCI)
- Ph.D. Texas A&M University, Sustainable Tourism Management, College Station, Texas
- M.T.A. The George Washington University, Tourism Marketing, Washington D.C.
- B.A. Chung-Ang University, Greek Philosophy, Seoul, Korea
His broad research interests span the areas of
- Tourist Engagement,
- Travel and Happiness,
- Conscious Consumption,
- Technology Adoption and Consumer Behaviour
- Sustainable Tourism Management,
- Customer Incivility,
- Attitudinal Scale Development and
- Research Methodology in Hospitality and Tourism.
Working Papers (Under review)
Nguyen, D., Holmes, M., & Choi, HSC (2025). Which factors influence customers’ behavior in Chinese, Thai, and Japanese Restaurants? IJTR (Under review)
Yu, M., Xue, P., & Choi, HSC (2025). Beyond Service Failure: Antecedents of Value Co-destruction in the Hospitalities and Tourism Industries (1st revision)
Dupej, S. & Choi, HSC (2025). Approaching Cannabis Tourism with Shared Value in Legal Contexts. International Journal of Tourism Research (1st revision) (A)
Lin, B., Lee, W., Choi, HSC, & Andereck, K. (2025). Developing and Validating an Ethical Risk Scale for Service Robots in Hospitality, International Journal of Hospitality Management (under review) (A)
- Liang, J., Choi, HSC., Holmes, M., Yi, S., & Lee, W. (2025). Service Automation in Tourism and Hospitality: A Comprehensive Review of Definitions, Key Themes, and Future Research Directions, Current Issues in Tourism (Under review)(A*)
Zolfaghaari, A., & Choi, HSC (2025). Mapping Value Co-destruction in Online Travel Agencies: A Practice Theory and Customer Journey Perspective. Tourism Management (Under review)(A*)
Zolfaghaari, A., & Choi, HSC (2024). Escalation of Consumer Outrage: Unraveling the Amplifying Conditions Driving Online Vengeance in Online Travel Agencies. Tourism Management Perspectives (Under review)(A)
Liang, Y., Choi, HSC., & Huang, S. (2025). Examining the Role of Multidimensional Value on Satisfaction and Loyalty in Shopping Tourism Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Involvement. International Journal of Tourism Research (under review)(A)
Shen, Y., Choi, HSC, Yi, S., Joppe, M., & Yu, M. (2025). Gamification's Role in Shaping Travel Choices Among Young Adults, International Journal of Tourism Cities (Under review)(B)
Choi, H. Choi, HSC, & Liang, J. (2025). The Synergy of Fun, Service Excellence, and Place Love in Tourism Experiences. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research (Under review)(A)
Pan, X., Jo, W., & Choi, HSC (2025). The Effect of Interaction Quality on Solo Diners’ Emotions and Behavioral Intention. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (Under review)(A*)
Yang, R. Lee, W.J. Choi, HSC, & Wise, N. (2025) Unpacking the barriers: Why consumers resist travel subscriptions. International Journal of Tourism Research (under review)(A)
- Lee, H.J., Choi, HSC, Lee, H.Y. & Jeong, C. (2025). Predicting the relationships between narrative transportation and consumer experience in Temple food experience. Journal of Tourism Sciences (under review)(Korea Citation Indexed Journal)(A)
Working Paper (In Preparation)
Lee, H.J., Choi, HSC, Lee, H. & Jeong, C. (2025). Temple cuisine experience that awakens the senses. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (50% completed)(A)
Yu, M., Xue, P., & Choi, HSC (2025). Willingness to pay for cannabis-infused edibles in a food service setting. (Will be submitted to Journal of Foodservice Management, 85% completed)
Liang, J., Choi, HSC., Lee, W., & Yu, M. (2025) A Tale of Two Agents: The Psychological Interplay Between Service Automation and Consumer Mindsets Across the Consumption Process (Will be submitted to Annals of Tourism Research, an additional experiment, 80% completed)
Shen, S., Choi, HSC, & Yu, M. (2025). UNDERSTANDING GAMIFICATION IN A SERVICE DOMAIN: Using a Mechanics-Dynamics-Outcomes (MDO) Model (Manuscript preparation, 50% completed)
Lee, S., Choi, HSC, & Lee, H. (2025). Redefining Experiential Luxury: A Comprehensive Framework for Hospitality (The Manuscript preparation, 60% completed)
Zolfahaghari, A., Dupej, S. Choi, HSC., & Yu, M. (2025). Cannabis Tourism: A Systematic Review of the Evolution from Deviance to Normalization. (Will be submitted to Tourism Geographies, 50% completed)
Selected Refereed Journal Articles Since 2016 (* indicates the Corresponding Authorship)
Li, L., Yu, M., Choi, HSC*. & Lee, H. (2025). Exploring the Dual Pathways to Well-being: The Role of Value Co-Creation in Enhancing Hedonic and Eudaimonic Experiences in Tourism, Journal Vacation Marketing (Accepted) (A)
Choi, H., Choi, HSC*., & Sukhu, A. (2025). Love at First Site: Exploring the Influence of Place Attachment on Real-Time Tourist Sharing Behavior. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-13 https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2025.2450806
Lee, Y.J., Choi, HSC, Du, K.H., & Lee, H. (2025). The Impact of Memorable Travel Experiences on Emotion and Behavioral Intentions: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Well-being. Journal of Tourism Science (accepted) (Korea Citation Indexed Journal)
Kim. W.Y., Choi, HSC., Lee, S., & Ann, S. (2025). The next chapter in senior tourism: A decade of change and future research pathways. International Journal of Tourism Sciences (Accepted) (C)
Yu, M., Choi, HSC., & Liang, J. (2025). Drivers of tipping behavior in the US food service industry: A bibliometric analysis and scoping review. International Journal of Tourism Sciences (Accepted)(C)
Park, J.Y. & Choi, HSC (2025). Guest editorials: Systematic reviews in tourism and hospitality. International Journal of Tourism Sciences (Accepted) (C)
Elliot, S., Choi. HSC, & Zofaghari, A. (2025). Envisioning a Sustainable, Resilient Tourism Future. Tourism Analysis, 30(1), 107-121. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3727/108354224X17275202230569 (A)
Du, K.H.., Choi, HSC, Lee, H. & Lee, Y.J. (2025). Exploring the Influence of Memorable Travel Experiences on Emotional and Behavioral Intentions: The Role of Psychological Capital as a Mediator. Journal of the Convergence Tourism Contents, 10(3), 225-244. DOI: 10.22556/jctc.2024.10.3.225. (Korea Citation Indexed Journal)
Fin, C., Liang, J., & Choi, HSC. (2024). Examining the Effect of Psychological Benefits of Sport Event Hosting on Residents’ Support and Well-Being. Journal of Sport and Tourism, https://doi.org/10.1080/14775085.2024.2414961
Lee, Y.J., Pang, S., Choi, HSC, (Corresponding Author) 4& Lee, H. (2024). Exploring the Mechanisms of Tourist Well-Being: An Application of Cognitive Appraisal Theory and Self-Determination Theory. Tourism and Hospitality Research (In Press) https://doi.org/10.1177/1467358424129390
Elliot, S., & Choi, HSC. (2025). Guest editorial: Tourism’s great correction: Advancing tourism sustainability and resiliency. Tourism Analysis, 30 (1), 1-3. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3727/108354224X17275202230550 (A)
Xu, B. Lee, S.W. Choi, H. (Corresponding Author), & Wong, S-m. (2024). Exploring shopping tourism as an adjunct therapy to improve mental health: Evidence from PLS-SEM and NCA. International Journal of Travel Research (SSCI) DOI:10.10002/jtr.2652
Choi, H.Y., Lee, W.J., Choi, HSC & Zolfagahari, A. (2024). From Click to Fork: An Empirical Analysis of System and Food Quality Influences in Online Meal Kit Consumption, International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103808
Boyu, L., Lee, W., Wise, N., & Choi, HSC. (2024). Consumers' ethical perceptions of autonomous service robots in hotels. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (SSCI) DOI:10.1177/10963480231194693
Yu, C., Liang, J.L., & Choi, H.S.C. (2024). Examining customer value co-creation behavior in boutique hotels: Hospitableness, perceived value, satisfaction, and citizenship behavior. Tourism Analysis (A of the ABDC list) https://doi.org/10.3727/108354224X17091476372167
Reinhold, S., Beritelli, P., Fyall, A., Choi, H.S.C., Lasesser, C., & Joppe, M. (2023). State-of-the-art review on destination marketing and destination management, Tourism & Hospitality (Scopus) 4(4). 584-603. https://www.mdpi.com/2673-5768/4/4/36
Liang, J.L., Choi, HSC, Zolfaghari, A., & Dupej, S. (2023). Canada as a new cannabis tourism destination?: Understanding travelers’ visit intention and pre-travel Canada's tourism destination image. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights (SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annale.2023.100110
Wen, Y., Liang, JL., & Choi, HSC. (2023). Stop being mean! Customer Incivility Influencing Employee Incivility via Employee Burnout: A Hospitality Context. Journal of China Tourism (SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1080/19388160.2023.2232531
Choi, H. & Koo, K.Y. (2023). Bridging the gap: Comparative implications from accommodation sharing regulations in Korea and abroad. Journal of Tourism Science, 47(5) 37-61(Korea Indexed Journal)
Zolfaghari, A., & Choi, H.* (2023). Exploring National Park Visitor Experience: An Application of Three-Factor Theory and Text Mining Approach Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 43, 100666 (SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jort.2023.100666
Huang, S. Liang, L. J., & Choi, H.S.C. (2023). Understanding factors influencing Canadians’ travel knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cognitive mediation model. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal (May), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1111/fcsr.12480
Huang, S., Mattews, M., Liang, J.E. & Choi, H.S.C. (2023). Instrumental Support and Its Impact on Psychological Capital and Well-Being in Online Learning: A Study of Hospitality and Tourism Students. Creative Education, 14(10), 1984-2008. 10.4236/ce.2023.1410127
Xu, B., & Choi, H.S.C. (2022). Residents’ attitudes toward and intentions to participate in local tourism during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 27(5), 473-488 (SSCI)
Shen, Y., Huang, S. Choi, HS & Morrison, A. (2022). Does brand love matter to casual restaurants? A multi-group path analysis. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 30(5), 630-654. SSCI/A Journal
Wan, Z., Huang, S. and Choi, H.C. ( 2022). Modification and validation of the travel safety attitude scale (TSAS) in international tourism: A reflective-formative approach. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 5(5), 1002-1021.
Huang, S., Liang, J.L., and Choi, H.S.C. (2022). How We Failed In Context: A Text-Mining Approach to Understand Hotel Service Failures.Sustainability, 14(5), 2675 (SSCI IF: 3.5)
Huang, S., Choi, H.C.*, Shen, Y.S. & Chang, H. (2021). "Predicting Behavioral Intention: The Mechanism from Pre-trip to Post-trip. Tourism Analysis, 26(4), 279-292. (https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cog/ta) A Journal
Zhiqiang, H., Liang, L.J., Meng, B., & Choi, H.C.* ( 2021). The role of perceived quality on high-speed railway tourists' behavioral intention: An application of the extended theory of planned behavior. Sustainability, 13(22), 12386 (SSCI IF: 3.5)
Rastegar, N., Flaherty, J., Choi, H & Liang, L. (2021). The Adoption of Self-service Kiosks in Quick Service Restaurants. European Journal of Tourism Research 27, 2709.(SSCI)
Shen, Y., Choi, C., Joppe, M., & Yi, S. (2020). What motivates visitors to participate in a gamified trip? A player typology using Q methodology. Tourism Management, 78, 104074, SSCI /A+ Journal
Choi, H.C., Huang, S., Choi, H., & Chang, H. (2020). The effect of flight attendants' physical attractiveness on satisfaction, positive emotion, perceived value, and behavioral intention. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 44, 19-29 SSCI/ A Journal
Qu, Y., Jo, W., & Choi, H. (2020). Gender Discrimination, Injustice, and Deviant Behavior among Hotel Employees: Role of Organizational Attachment. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism. 21(1), 78-104. SSCI/ A journal
Liang, J.L., Choi, H. C*., Joppe, M., & Lee, W.J. (2019). Examining medical tourists’ intention to visit a tourist destination: Application of an extended MEDTOUR scale in a cosmetic tourism context. International Journal of Travel Research, 21, 772-784. SSCI/ A journal
Choi, H. & Choi, H.* (2019). Investigating Tourists' Fun-eliciting Process towards Tourism Destination Sites: An Application of Cognitive Appraisal Theory. Journal of Travel Research. 58(5), 732-744. SSCI/A* journal
Huang, S. & Choi, H. (2019). Development and Validation of Tourist Engagement. Service Industries Journal, 39(7-8), 469-497. SSCI/ B Journal
Liang, L. J., Choi, H., & Joppe, M. (2019). Exploring the relationship between satisfaction, trust, switching intention, and repurchase intention in the context of Airbnb. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 69, 41-48. SSCI/ A+ Journal
Armenski, T., Choi, H. C., & Stankov, U. ( 2018). Tourism Branding of European Russia: An Empirical Investigation of the Web Projected Imagery and the Role of Local DMO. Drustvena Istrazivanja. (Journal for General Social Issues), 27(4), 735-754.
Shen, Y., Joppe, M., Choi, H. C., & Huang, S. (2018) Domestic tourism of Chinese in Canada: Distinct differences. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 8, 125-136.SSCI
Liang, J.L., Choi, H. C.*, & Joppe, M. (2018). Understanding Repurchase Intention of Airbnb Consumers: Perceived Authenticity, EWoM and Price Sensitivity. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35 (1), 73-89.SSCI
Choi, H., Huang, S., Flaherty, J., & Khazaei, A. (2017). Market segmentation for travel motivation and involvement of winery visitors in the Niagara region. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 17 (3), 198-212.
Huang, S. & Choi, H.* (2017). Understanding Canadian and US Tourists: A Self-concept based Segmentation Study. European Journal of Tourism Research, 16, 201-213.(SSCI)
Huang, S., LeBlanc, S.L., & Choi, H.* (2016). How do Chinese Tourists Differ from Caucasian Tourists? An Empirical Study from the Perspective of Tourists' Self-Concept. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 16 (4), 222-237.
Liu, Y., Liu, H., Choi, H., & Chen, R. (2016). The New Exploring on Digital Tourism Design Based on Virtual Reality. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, 17 (2), 15.1.
Liu, Y., Chen, R., Choi, H., & Hou, Z.J. (2016). Key Techniques of Virtual Reality for the Digital Tourism System Oriented Development. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, 17 (18), 6.1.
Invited Presentations and Lectures Since 2013
- Choi, H.C. (2017-2018) KSTA Biannual Meeting, Seoul (International). Understanding Customer Loyalty with Hedonic Value with Rebecca Choi
- Choi, H.C. (2017-2018). Hanyang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (International). Ethics and Responsibilities in Marketing
- Choi, H. C. (2015-2016). The Special Seminar on Education. 2016 Academy of Global Hospitality & Tourism Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Choi, H. C. (2015-2016). Improvement of Travel and Tourism Competitiveness. Advisory Meeting on Improvement of Travel and Tourism Competitiveness, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Choi, H. C. (2015-2016). Promoting Tourism in China. The 2nd Money Today's Tourism Forum: K Rock, May 16, 2016, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Choi, H. (2014-2015). Discussion Paper on Policy Directions and Economic & Social Impacts of Integrated Resort Development in Korea. The 78 TOSOK International Tourism Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 3 -5., Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Choi, H. (2014-2015). Improvement of Transportation Policy. 4th Policy Forum on International Tourism Cooperation on Improvement of Transportation Policy to Vitalize both Inbound and Domestic Tourism, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Choi, H. C. (2013-2014). User Protection Policy to Problem Gambling: Player Card Information & Management System. International Forum on Responsible Gambling 2014, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Choi, H. (2013-2014). Communication Competencies for Hospitality Graduates in Their Career Success. 20th APTA Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
- Choi, H. (2013-2014). Global Trends in Tourism. Jinan University, Jinan, China.
- Choi, H. (2013-2014). Asian Trends in Tourism. Youngsan University, Busan, Republic of Korea.
- Choi, H. (2013-2014). Marine & Tourism Trends. Youngsan University, Busan, Republic of Korea.
- Choi, H.S.C. (April 12 – 13, 2013). Panel Discussion on Teaching Excellence. Korean and American Tourism and Hospitality Educator Association. Las Vegas, USA.
- TRMH 6250 (F/24) Sustainable Development and Tourism
- HTM 3160 (F/24) Destination Management and Marketing
- HTM 4170 (W/25) & TRMH 6200 (W/25)
- HTM 4150 (S/25) Journey for Change