Samantha Casey

Samantha Casey, the Communications & Engagement Coordinator (Intern)
Communications & Engagement
Email:; for general inquiries
Blackwood Hall

As an undergraduate student at the University of Guelph, Samantha was heavily involved in improving campus sustainability and strongly advocated for student-led activism. She was a UofG Sustainability Office Peer Helper (2017-2019), Lead Organizer for Sustainability Week (2018 & 2019), Environmental Governance Society President (2018-2019), and the Student Campaign Manager for the Sustainability Action Fund (SAF) referendum (2019).

After completing her Environmental Governance degree, Samantha Casey (she/her) quickly rejoined as an intern at the office to help improve operational, environmental, and social sustainability on campus. 

Samantha now works a unique joint role on campus to do communications and engagement for the UofG Sustainability Office and to coordinate sustainability for Hospitality Services. She works to improve operational sustainability for Hospitality Services by creating education-based programming and improving sustainability communications.

She leads our engagement-based programming for the office, including the Sustainable Residence Committee (SRC), the Sustainability Ambassador Program (SAP), the Living Planet @ Campus Program in partnership with WWF Canada, and established our UofG Idea Bank. Samantha manages our campus and community partnerships and grant-based projects, such as the UofG Food Markets and UofG Seed Orchard. She also leads communications for the Sustainability Office, where she manages our website, general email, and social media, where she works to share our stories with the University of Guelph community and the broader public. 

Outside of the Sustainability Office, Samantha is active with several organizations and networks, including: 

Director of Membership - Board of Directors - Ontario College and University Sustainability Professionals (OCUSP)

Chair - Guelph Tool Library Fundraising Committee 

Committee Member - City of Guelph Waste Resource Innovation Centre Public Liaison  Committee.

Community Coordinator - Canadian Youth Biodiversity Network (CYBN) 

Co-Founder and Development Officer - Community Climate Council (CCC)

Samantha is available to present or facilitate workshops for campus departments, organizations and community groups on student activism, climate action, campus sustainability and funding change.  

To contact Samantha, please email or our general email at