CBS launches BIPOC Graduate Entrance Scholarship

The College of Biological Science is pleased to launch a new scholarship to encourage BIPOC students to pursue graduate studies in thesis-based Master's programs in each of our three departments (Molecular and Cellular Biology, Integrative Biology and Human Health and Nutritional Sciences).
Recognizing that BIPOC students are typically underrepresented in graduate studies in the life sciences and are more likely to be disadvantaged by historic and present day systemic inequities, adjudication of this scholarship will be based on non-traditional metrics of academic success.
One award will be available annually in each CBS department (HHNS, IB, MCB). Each award is valued at $10,000 (payable over 3 semesters during the student’s first year of study).
Please visit our Scholarships and Awards page for full details on the award, eligibility and how to apply.