CBS Celebrates 50 Years!

In 2021, The College of Biological Science celebrates its 50th year as a college at the University of Guelph. Now that’s something to celebrate!
In 50 years, our college has secured its place as a globally recognized hub for biological research and scholarship, with a mission to expand the understanding of life, from DNA to cells to complex ecosystems. We offer 13 undergraduate and 11 graduate degree programs across three departments and one institute: Human Health and Nutritional Sciences, Integrative Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario.
CBS is home to 100 full-time faculty, 50 full-time staff and thousands of undergraduate and graduate students. We have each and every one of these individuals to thank for making CBS an exceptional place to learn, work and explore their passion for science.
Our numerous innovations, including the CBS Office of Educational Scholarship and Practice (COESP), further lends to our leadership in providing excellence in biological science education. Our research enterprise continues to advance, most of which is highlighted in our latest publication, CBS Research Insights. These research stories have been written by graduate students in our SCRIBE (Students Communicating Research in Biology Education) program.
Help us celebrate!
We are incredibly proud of this milestone and wish to celebrate with our community. While the current COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our ability to come together to celebrate, we will be sharing a range of opportunities to connect back with us over the next year and onward.
Take a walk down memory lane with us as we look back at the many accomplishments we’ve witnessed throughout our history. You are invited to reconnect with us and share your memories, photos and highlights on our dedicated celebration page.
Follow us on social media where we will continue to share updates on upcoming events, offers and news from us. Share your memories with the hashtag #CBS50 and tag us @UofGCBS.
Join us for one of our upcoming virtual events - more details to come.
We look forward to celebrating this milestone with you and thank you for your continued support!
Happy 50th CBS!