College of Biological Science unveils its Strategic Plan: 2024-2029

Posted on Monday, September 16th, 2024

A message from Mazyar Fallah, Dean of the College of Biological Science

I am pleased to present the completed CBS Strategic Plan: 2024 -2029.

The Strategic Plan represents nearly two years of work and consultation from four working groups comprised of more than 30 faculty, staff and students from across the college, along with opportunities to be involved in discussions, consultations and reviews in the past couple years. The plan has come from all of us. Thank you!

The plan focuses on four strategic operational priorities, Research, Academics, Community, and Space, and includes both long-term and short-term priorities. We have also included a roadmap for beyond 2029, with two strategic priorities for long-term success: building our international brand and transforming spaces for teaching, collaboration, and learning.

In an increasingly unstable time in higher education, it’s essential that we work together to shape the future of the college, ensuring our long-term success and strengthening our reputation for excellence in research and academics.

Let’s bring our vision to life!


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