Virtual STEM Week 2021

Date and Time




A photo of a woman standing at a podium conducting a science experiment in front of a room full of children.


Teachers come and engage your students with STEM concepts! Have you ever wondered how things work? How space travel is possible? Why some things float and other things sink? How we generate electricity? How sound travels? Let’s discover the answers together! Our undergraduate physics students, with guidance from professors Dr. Joanne O’Meara and the Great Orbax, have designed an online program for students in grades 6-8, as well as community youth groups. Virtual STEM 2021 includes three live science explorations per session, covering subjects rooted in the core STEM threads of the Ontario elementary school curriculum.  This is part of Guelph Museum’s Educational Programs.

There are two sessions:

November 30, 2021 1-2:30pm
December 2, 2021 1-2:30pm

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