Experimental estimates of AI occupational exposure in Canada: Dr. Tahsin Mehdi

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Host: U of G's Centre for Advancing Responsible and Ethical Artificial Intelligence

Description: Rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) presents a mix of uncertainty and opportunity. Unlike previous waves of technological transformation such as automation, AI has the potential to affect higher-skilled occupations. Experimental estimates based on the complementarity-adjusted AI occupational exposure index show that around 60% of Canadian workers are employed in jobs which might be considered highly exposed to AI. But half of this group of workers also happen to be in jobs which could be augmented by AI in the future (complementary effect). There is considerable uncertainty surrounding the power of AI, the range of tasks it might be able to do, its pace of development and scale of adoption. How workers, businesses, and governments respond and adapt to the shifting technological landscape remains to be seen. 

Bio: Tahsin Mehdi is a senior research economist in the Social Analysis and Modelling Division of Statistics Canada. His research focuses on labour and the measurement of socio-economic well-being. He is a former OECD economist and has a PhD in economics from the University of Portsmouth.

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