Q&A with Nicole

The past few weeks have been unprecedented. Few of us have experienced anything similar in our lifetime. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus has meant changes to how we work, live, and finish out the academic year. Each of us is facing unique challenges, but connecting through each other’s stories may provide some small comfort as we collectively face the uncertainties that lie ahead.
Nicole Washuck is a Biomedical Toxicology student and VP (Communications) of the CEPS Student Council. Here is a sneak peek into how Nicole is coping with some of the recent changes to life and school. Her full story can be found on our CEPS YouTube channel.
How do you stay connected to friends and family?
It’s really important that we stay connected with one another. I've been personally doing that through using a lot of online video platforms to do things like dinner dates with people, paint nights, you name it! I’m also really into some online chess.
What are you doing to stay physically and mentally healthy?
This is something that's easy enough to forget about on a good day, let alone with everything that's happening.
One thing I'm doing to try to make sure I'm staying healthy mentally and physically is still going outside and getting out for walks because it's so beautiful out, as long as you're maintaining social distancing. I’m getting into some old hobbies too.
Do you have any advice for students as they finish their academic years?
We need to understand that we're all in the same boat. You're not in this alone. Use this opportunity to reach out to people you might not usually. Make sure they're okay, because it's not easy for everyone to communicate that.
See Nicole’s full story (including the hobby she’s trying to get better at and what she’s planning to do once physical distancing is over!) on our CEPS YouTube channel.