
Woman with hands outstretched, cradling images of various colourful bacteria

Gut Feeling

U of G researchers develop a mathematical model to examine patterns in the human gut microbiome.

Image showing field with large solar panels during sunset.

Harnessing the Sun

Chemistry researchers uncover novel technique to better understand how to harness solar energy.

Woman sitting in self-driving car with colourful, stylized screens in front of her.

Hack Attack

U of G researcher creates novel machine learning system to help prevent malicious software attacks.

Staff standing behind Creative Encounters pickup table holding camp kit bags


Creative Encounters, a CEPS-led summer camp, is engaging children through take-home camp kits.

Close up photo of a colony of bees in a hive

Buzzworthy Math

Using math to uncover honeybee disease dynamics and protect these important pollinators.

Joint image of headshots of Fatima and Ryan

2020 Convocation Awards

Two CEPS students receive top U of G graduate student convocation awards.

Composite image of person holding iPad in doctor's uniform with data emitting from screen

Lifesaving Hashtags

U of G computer scientist harnesses Twitter to monitor COVID-19 and other disease outbreaks.

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