Mohamad Abou el Nasr

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Education and Employment Background
Dr. Abou El Nasr received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2003. He was a Professor at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), at Alexandria, Egypt from 2003 – 2016. He moved to Mississauga Ontario in 2016 to become the Chief Technical Officer at MFD Canada Inc. Dr. Abou El Nasr joined the School of Engineering in 2018, where he is now an Assistant Professor.
Teaching Areas
Dr. Abou El Nasr is primarily responsible for teaching a range of courses for the School of Engineering. In the past he has offered classes in Introduction to Programming (ENGG1410), Digital Systems Design (2410), Electric Circuits (ENGG2450), Communications Systems (ENGG3210), Computer Organization & Design (ENGG3380), Systems and Control Theory (ENGG3410), Electronic Devices (ENGG3450), Advanced Computer Architecture (ENGG4540), Optimization Techniques for Engineering (ENGG6140), Introduction to Machine Learning (ENGG6500) and Advanced Control Systems (ENGG6580).
Research Themes
Dr. Abou El Nasr research spans a wide spectrum with a special interest in the areas of: Embedded systems, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless and secure communications, and Mobile applications in many domains like healthcare, transportation systems and social networks. Practical projects related to M-health, and Human Locomotion tracking.
Smart IoT and Embedded processing elements with issues related to the System Security and Quality of Service provided by the reconfigurable hardware.
- PEO, P.Eng.
- Senior Member IEEE and Member ACM & ASEE.
- Editor in Chief, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA)