Nagham Mohammad

Dr. Mohammad uses Iclickers and TopHat in her research.
Education and Employment Background
Dr. Mohammad received her PhD in in Biostatistics from Western University in 2014. She was a lecturer in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, at the University of Waterloo from 2014 – 2018, before joining the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in 2018, where she is now an Assistance Professor.
Dr. Mohammad is primarily responsible for teaching a range of courses for the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, where she strives to create an effective learning environment that fosters students’ creativity, curiosity and encourages them to develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. In the past she has offered classes in Introductory Mathematical Statistics II, Applied Regression Analysis, Advanced Research Project in Statistics, Elements of Calculus I, Business Mathematics, Linear Algebra I, Probability & Statistics for Engineers, Biostatistics for Integrative Biology, Statistics I, and Statistics II. Her teaching interests also include the development of course content and resources for different levels of statistics courses and mathematics.
Research Themes
Dr. Mohammad’s research interests cut across several areas of statistics and pedagogy. Her statistics research often includes modeling, methods for estimation and prediction, and the analysis of incomplete data. Dr. Mohammad is motivated by scientific and technical issues that arise in public health, the social sciences and other areas. Her work involves regularized gamma regress, log-normal distributions and the evaluation of missing and outlier data.
In the areas of pedagogy, Dr. Mohammad’s current research interests are in mathematical and statistical education, investigating applied survey sampling and survey methodology. She investigates the best approaches to promote student engagement in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments, such as the use of clickers.
Her research typically involves strong statistical computing skills.
- 2021-2022: UGFA Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences., University of Guelph. Honor
- 2021-2022: Favourite Winter Professor (MATH*1160) Professor Recognition Program, Student Housing Services, University of Guelph. Award
- 2019-2020: Favourite Fall Semester Professor, who positively impacted their academic experience by students in residence, Professor Recognition Program, Student Housing Services, University of Guelph. Award Nomination
- 2021-2022: Physical Science and Engineering Education Research Centre Grant for pedagogy related research, University of Guelph.