Milestones & Timelines
Concur Project Timeline
The overall ECS transition will take place from Summer 2020 to Winter 2023.
*Based on the current information available, the project timeline is subject to change and will be updated accordingly.
Progress to Date
In Summer 2020, the Initiation Phase of the ECS project was completed. During this phase, a detailed project plan was established, which defines the project tasks, resources, assignments, and timelines for the University.
In Fall 2020, a design session took place to kick start the requirements gathering process and further discuss features and functionality of the product.
In Winter 2021, an announcement was released to campus that SAP Concur would be replacing the current expense claim. Campus users were asked to participate in a survey to gauge their experience with our current ECS and ways we can make the expense claim process better.
Major business units were engaged in Spring 2021 to discuss the upcoming change and gather design feedback.
In Fall 2021, an extended project team was established; a group of 18 staff and faculty from various units across campus.
The Extended Project Team would support the SAP Concur Project Team throughout 2022 in multiple subject areas such as policy and procedure development, platform design, and process flow enhancement.
In Fall 2022, testing commenced followed by a period of configuration adjustments and subsequent internal testing.
The Readiness and Deployment phase began in January 2023 when the Pilot group transitioned to Concur.
Roll-out to departments commenced from February 1 to April 3 2023 once testing and final configuration was complete. End-user training to department administrative contacts were conducted as part of the roll out.
Transition and Support, which began in January 2023, will continue through April.
Implementation Phases Overview
Preparation and Planning
Project and change management planning activities commenced in Fall 2020.
Stakeholder feedback will be conducted through the use of surveys in Winter 2021.
Design Sessions
Design sessions that began in Fall 2020 will provide the blueprint for the configuration and overall build of the system as well as provide insight into the functionality and capabilities of the new system.
University subject matter experts (SMEs) participated to develop and fine-tune the design choices which then drove the focus topic sessions.
Focus Topic Sessions
The focus topic sessions involved smaller stakeholder sessions with representatives across campus, the Extended Project Team.
These sessions were focused on the survey results as well as feedback on possible design enhancements.
Initial Configuration
The initial configuration of SAP Concur Expense was driven by the results of the design sessions and focus topic sessions.
Site Demo
Site demo took place in Summer 2022 upon completion of initial configuration of SAP Concur Expense and enabled user feedback.
User testing of the solution began in Fall 2022 and allowed additional opportunities for user feedback.
The "Test" phase was focused on validation of the delivered solution to ensure it is ready to be deployed.
Readiness and Deployment
Roll-out to departments will begin once testing and final configuration is complete. End-user training will be conducted as part of the roll out.
Transition and Support
The project team will commence the transition to University production support. A final review will identify any open items and closeout activities.