When your exchange is completed, your host university will send an academic transcript directly to the Centre for International Programs. Please ensure that BEFORE you leave your host institution, you have paid any outstanding fees you owe them and completed any other requirements that they may have. If you have any outstanding fees or obligations, your host university may not send your transcript.
If you want your own copy of your exchange transcript, make sure to ask at your host institution about how to order transcripts before you finish your exchange program.
Once the Centre for International Programs has received your exchange transcript from your host institution, we will send a copy of the transcript to your Program Counsellor and notify you. In order for your courses to be transferred back to the University of Guelph, you must complete the Exchange Program Course Selection and Grade Submission (EPCS) form AGAIN to confirm the courses you took while on exchange and meet with your Program Counsellor to assess the courses. You should check off ‘post exchange assessment’ on the EPCS form.
Your Program Counsellor will assess the courses and assign a generic credit and a credit weight to each of the courses. You may also be required to get departmental approval for the courses you took while exchange.
Once your Program Counsellor has completed and signed the EPCS form, sign the form yourself and take it to your Education Abroad Advisor. They will review your courses and assign a University of Guelph grade of Outstanding Pass (OP), Pass (P) or Fail (F) to each course. An Outstanding Pass is the equivalent of an “A” at your host university, and a Fail is the equivalent of a failing grade or “F” at your host university.
The Education Abroad Advisor will then take the form to the Registrar’s office and the courses will be added to your University of Guelph transcript.
Please note: On your University of Guelph transcript, your courses will receive a generic credit, a credit weight and a U of Guelph grade of OP, P or F. The courses will count toward your degree requirements but will not be factored into your cumulative average.
Should you have any questions about the grade submission form process, the grading system at your host university or what constitutes an Outstanding Pass, Pass or Fail, please contact your Education Abroad Advisor at CIP.
Transcripts for Graduate Program or Professional School applications
If you are applying for a graduate or professional program, you will be required to submit a transcript from your exchange that shows the actual marks you received for those courses. Contact the graduate or professional school you are applying to, well in advance of their application deadline, to find out if they require an official, sealed copy directly from your host institution. If they do, you will need to contact your host institution to request that your official transcript be sent directly to the program/school you are applying to. If you are planning to apply for graduate schools, make sure to ask at your host institution about how to order an official transcript(s) before you finish your exchange program. You will likely have to pay a fee for the transcript as well as the cost of postage to send it.
Some graduate or professional programs may accept a certified copy of your official host university transcript that the Centre for International Programs has on file. CIP will keep a copy of your official transcript on file indefinitely. If the schools you are applying to say that they will accept a certified copy of your exchange transcript, contact your Education Abroad Advisor for this.