EV Troubleshooting Tips

Welcome to the EV charging station TIPS page. 

Before submitting an EV issue report, take a moment to see if these tips may help you out.

If these tips are unable to help with the issue, please continue on with submitting an EV charger issue report. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Click here to Submit an EV Charging Station issue report 


# TIP STATUS Response
1. Is the charger POWER LED illuminated? Yes  check next item in the list
     No  Please submit an issue report
2. Is your charge timer in the car controlling your charge times?   Yes disable the charge timer and reconnect the charge cable
     No check next item in the list
3. Is the charger plug end full of snow or dirt and debris? Yes shake out the debris if possible and reconnect the charge cable
    No Please submit an issue report
4. Is there a FAULT light illuminated on the charger? Yes Please submit an issue report

If no response on this page helps to resolve the charging issue, please submit an issue report using the link above the TIPS table.


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