Why is the card reader not responding?
If the card reader does not respond to your I.D. Card/iClass fob, the following conditions may be true:
Some lab doors are configured with an Unlock schedule.
U of G cards will not be required to open the door during an Unlock Schedule time period.
Grab the door handle and open the door.
Determine if there is an issue with the door hardware.
Access at the particular door may not be assigned to you.
Follow up with your department Electronic Access Admin to review your access requirements.
Have you recently changed status on campus?
If you were previously an undergradate student that is now a graduate student, your iClass I.D. card is no longer valid. Please obtain a new card from the Registrars Office in the UC (Level 3).
If you are an employee that is now taking courses on campus, please contact the Registrars Office to have your I.D.s reconciled.
Your iClass device may be damaged
Please test the card at a door that you know used to work with your card/fob.
Request your department Electronic Access Admin to test the card for you.
Request the Registrars Office (U.C. Level 3) to test your card.
Review the guidelines to care for your card.
Your I.D. Card may not be equipped with iClass technology
Your iClass card must be presented on its own to the reader
Presenting your iClass card within a wallet, purse or backpack may be refused when other cards are detected by the reader.
Separate your U.of.G. iClass card from other cards.
Have you recently received a new card, and have found your previous(old) card?
Only the most recent issued U.of.G. iClass card will be active.
Old replaced cards reported as lost or stolen will no longer function and cannot be reactivated.
Students can contact their residence desk for assistance.
Faculty & Staff can contact their Department's Electronic Access Administrator for assistance.